If you are ready for a career
You are at the right place
Take a moment, give us a little information about yourself, and let us put you on a career path that you’ll be proud of.

Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment FAQs
When is the Enrollment Deadline for the 2024-25 School year?
Enrollment is open from July 1, 2024 to August 9, 2024
What documents are required for Enrollment?
All students must fill out an application and include a valid, government issued photo ID and a copy of their High School Transcripts or Diploma or GED Certificate. Students are also expected to have their OSHA 10 Hour card upon starting classes.
Are Tests Out Available and what is the deadline to request a Test Out?
Yes, test outs are available. Test outs must be requested and test out fees paid by August 2, 2024.
Can Students pick the days they attend school?
Classes are offered Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday or Saturday. Students are able to submit a preference for their class schedule at the time of enrollment. However, priority is given to those with extenuating circumstances (ie – child custody situations, care of an elderly family member, etc.) Please note that not every class will be offered on every evening. Saturday classes are reserved first forstudentstravelingforworkoragreatdistancetoattendclass. AnyotherSaturdayclassseatsare assigned first come first served after Sponsoring Employer approval.
What if a student has previously earned OJT hours?
Previous OJT hours must be submitted at the time of enrollment in order to be recognized. Please contact the Education Team and request a Previous OJT Credit Form.
What if I completed NCCER Modules during High School or in a previous training program?
Please provide your NCCER Card number at the time of application or contact the Education Team for assistance.
Does ABC qualify for the MO/KS Tax incentive?
Yes, The ABC Apprenticeship program does qualify for the apprenticeship tax incentives in both MO and KS
Student FAQs
When will I find out my class schedule?
Class assignments will be sent to Students by email and text message by August 12. Tentative schedules will be available as class assignments are made throughout the enrollment period.
What should I bring with me to class?
Students must bring their books (these are provided on the 1st day of class), applicable Code Books, pencil/pen, basic 5 function calculator, notebook, handtools and PPE. Students must also be clothed in appropriate work attire. If you are unprepared for class, you will be counted absent.
What if I miss one of my scheduled classes?
If you will miss class, you are required to inform your employer, instructor, and email training@abcksmo.org.
What are ways I can be counted absent for a class, even if I physically went?
Though not an exhaustive list, some things that could lead to being marked absent include, not being prepared, failing to come dressed for class, failing to bring your code book or books, failure to sign in or out on the attendance sheet, or being dismissed from class by your instructor.
How do I scheduled makeup time?
Limited makeup times are available. Please refer to your student handbook regarding the use of makeup time and contact the Education Team with any questions.
How do I access FlashPoint?
Is there a dress code for school?
Yes. Students are required to wear shirts with at least 4-inch sleeves, long pants and hard soled work boots. For more details on the dress code, please refer to your student handbook.
Am I allowed to have my cell phone in class?
Cell phones are to be on silent during class. Should you need to take a call, you should leave the classroom. The use of cell phones as calculators is prohibited. Excessive use of phones during class, including but not limited to the use of headphones, may lead to dismissal from class and being counted absent.
What do I do if I miss entering my OJT hours?
Please have your late OJT form completed and signed. You will submit this to training@abcksmo.org or can physically turn it in at the front desk. Please also have your payment ready.
How can I see how many OJT Hours I have reported?
Login to your FlashPoint account. From your Dashboard page, click on the printer icon towards the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Total OJT Report. Select to not email the report. The report will download and you will be able to see your OJT hours by month and category. Each time you must run a new report to access this information.
I can’t log in to FlashPoint. What do I do?
Email training@abcksmo.org and a password reset can be sent to you.
How do I submit OJT?
Login into FlashPoint. From your Dashboard, click the icon to the left of your name, go to employment, then click on work reports. From there, you will click new report and fill out remaining items. After completed, click on save report and click submit on the next page. If you do not click submit, your hours will not be turned in.
What are the classroom expectations?
Participate in discussions, pay attention and use the time for gaining knowledge in your trade.
Who do I talk to if I have an issue?
Please reach out to Ashley at ashley@ascksmo.org.
What do I do if I am no longer with a sponsoring employer?
Contact the training department. If you are seeking employment, you should continue to attend class during your grace period to earn your related training hours while you seek a new sponsoring employer. ABC can assist you in this process.
Can I continue to go to class if I change jobs?
You must be employed by an ABC sponsoring employer in order to attend classes for the ABC Apprenticeship program. You will have a grace period to continue to attend classes while you seek a new employer, but you must communicate with the ABC Education team in order to maintain your status.
How do my absences work?
If you are in person, you are allotted 4 absences for the entire year. If you are a Saturday student you are allowed 2 virtual absences for the year. If you miss any more classes, you will have a mandatory 4 hour make up class. If you miss a Saturday class or more than the listed weeknight classes then you will have a mandatory make up class.
Can I use my GI Benefits?
Yes. While GI benefits do not cover tuition, you can access your GI benefits while an enrolled apprentice. Please contact Ashley at ashley@abcksmo.org to begin accessing your benefits.
How does FASFA and personal tax benefits work with my ABC enrollment?
ABC is not eligible for student loans. As ABC is an apprenticeship program it does not qualify for tuition incentives for individual tax benefits.