Political Advocacy

ABC: Your Advocate in the Merit Shop Construction Industry
ABC Heart of America stands as a leading advocate for merit shop contractors in Kansas, Missouri, and Washington D.C., tirelessly working at all government levels to protect our members from restrictive laws and regulations. Facing deeply entrenched and well-funded opposition, we boldly champion your rights, ensuring the freedom to operate and grow your business as you see fit
With strategic relationships across local, state, and federal government, ABC Heart of America ensures our members’ voices resonate in the corridors of power. Our guiding principle, “Get into Politics or Get out of Business,” underscores the critical need for proactive engagement in the political landscape. The construction industry’s fast-paced environment leaves little room for individual businesses to be constantly aware of impactful legislation.
As the construction industry’s premier advocate, ABC provides members with essential tools and a powerful voice to influence legislation and advocate for change, ensuring our members can focus on their businesses while we navigate the complexities of political advocacy on their behalf.
Combatting Project Labor Agreements (PLAs)
Government-mandated PLAs pose significant barriers for merit shop contractors, inflating taxpayer-funded project costs by an average of 18% and discouraging fair competition. These agreements often mandate that 80% of workers be hired through union halls, sidelining the majority of our workforce—83% in Missouri and 92% in Kansas—that operates in open shop environments.
Advocacy for Modern Wage Reform
The Davis-Bacon Act, established in 1931, no longer aligns with the dynamics of today’s global economy. With 89% of the construction industry operating non-union, the Department of Labor’s wage survey inaccurately applies union wages over 60% of the time. This discrepancy leads to enforced union wage rates and outdated job classifications, hampering the efficiency and innovation of merit shop construction practices. ABC is committed to advocating for changes to reduce the Davis-Bacon Act’s outdated impact and similar state laws.
Prevailing Wage Reform: A Call for Rational Change
We advocate for the reform of prevailing wage laws in Missouri and Kansas. Current regulations inflate wages beyond market rates, burdening taxpayers with unnecessary costs. Join us in opposing any expansion of prevailing wage mandates to ensure a fair, economically sensible approach to public construction projects. Your involvement can make a difference
ABC supports Kansas’s law signed in 2013 by Governor Sam Brownback to officially ban local governments from requiring private employers to pay “prevailing wages” greater than the minimum wage for workers on public construction projects. Kansas repealed its state prevailing wage law in 1987.
Missouripassed a bill in 2018 to reform the state prevailing wage laws. The bills move wage calculations to a weighted average, reducing the number of occupational titles, and creates a provision for entry-level workers.
Advocating for Fair and Achievable Licensing Standards
We will continue to fight for licensing reform that ensures licensing processes, at both the state and local levels, are accessible and non-discriminatory. We believe in establishing clear, reasonable criteria that enable skilled professionals to enter and thrive in their trades without facing unnecessary barriers.
ABC’s Priority Issues
Legislative Contacts
Want to contact Missouri legislators?
For Kansas legislators.
Phone numbers, addresses and email links are available on both Kansas and Missouri websites.
navigate House and Senate pages.
Free Enterprise Alliance
The Free Enterprise Alliance is dedicated to education and advocacy of issues of ABC members, member company employees, and the general public.
How They Voted
See how your elected officials voted on issues of vital importance to ABC members.